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botaniko press


​手差しの活版印刷機 Adana-21Jを使用して、




1981 武蔵野美術大学日本画科​ 卒

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I am using a handheld letterpress printer, Adana-21J, to print postcards, greeting cards, letter sets, and other items with a plant motif.

botaniko is derived from the Greek word for "plants."

1981 Graduated from Musashino Art University,            majoring in Japanese style painting.

​a c t i v i t y

2010 botanikoとしてカード制作を始める


​2011 活版印刷機Adana-21Jを用いて印刷を始める

​           名古屋クリエイターズマーケット

2012 活版フェスタ2012(朗文堂主催)


2013 第3回 東京蚤の市(手紙社主催)

           SOCIAL TOWER MARKET 名古屋

           第4回 東京蚤の市(手紙社主催)

2016 ものことひと市(誠文堂新光社主催)



2013   活版印刷の本                                手紙社

2016 世界のかわいいきのこデザイン DU BOOKS

2017 大人の科学マガジン 小さな活版印刷機     学研

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2010   Started card production as "botaniko"

           Participated in Nagoya Creator's Market.

2011   Began printing using the Adana-21J letterpress            printer.

           Participated in Nagoya Creator's Market.

2012   Participated in the Letterpress Festival

           organized by Robundo.

           Participated in the Panfest - Small

           Letterpress Bread Exhibition organized by                    Tegami-sha.

2013   Participated in the 3rd Tokyo Flea Market                    organized by Tegami-sha.  

           Participated in Social Tower Market Nagoya.

           Participates in the 4th Tokyo Flea Market                    organized by Tegami-sha.

2016 - Participated in the "Mono Koto Hito ichi"                      market organized by Seibundo Shinkosha.


Featured Publications

2013   "The Book of Letterpress Printing" by Tegami-             sha.

2016   "World's Cute Mushroom Designs" by DU                    BOOKS.

2017   "Adult Science Magazine: Small Letterpress                  Printers" by Gakken.


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